It’s time to change Australia for the better

At Re, a group of us have been working to amplify the campaign for a First Nations Voice to Parliament

By Alysha Menzel and Mia Montesin, Senior Designer and Designer at Re

Sep 2023

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On October 14, Australians will vote in a referendum on whether to recognise Indigenous Australians in the constitution. A group of us at Re strongly believe that a Yes vote would mean unity, recognition and healing for First Nations, and would be a stepping stone to practical progress in Indigenous health, education, employment and housing.

Right now, up to 40% of Australian voters are yet to decide, so in the weeks leading up to the referendum, we’re aiming to share the reasons we’re voting Yes, and reach as many people as possible.

Create Yes

Re is proud to have helped develop the #CreateYes campaign in collaboration with leading creative agencies and design studios across the country. The idea for Create Yes is a simple one. People are invited to design the word ‘Yes’ in their own way. It can be type, illustration, motion, photography, video – whatever they like – and to share it on social media tagging @create.yes, #createyes and @yes23au along with why they’re voting Yes.

This week we’ll be sharing creations from members of our team along with their reasons for voting Yes across our social media. 
Visit the Create Yes website to register for the national launch event and submit your own Yes.

Share Yes

If you’re short on time and still want to get involved, we’ve put together some Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn templates in support of the Yes vote. These are to encourage conversations that you mightn't have had otherwise, knowing that a post from a friend, co-worker or family member can often be more impactful than one from a brand or organisation. 

These templates are for anyone to access and share, even if you can't vote in the referendum. Every voice counts. 

You can download the templates here:
Yes 23 Social Templates

New Zealand rugby like you’ve never seen it before

We’ve partnered closely with New Zealand Rugby to create the one-of-a-kind brand and platform NZR+.

By Nick Hill, Creative Director

Aug 2023